
Magical Girl Tiaras Enamel Pin Collection

Created by Pastiyums

Preorder Store for the Magical Girl Tiaras Kickstarter

Latest Updates from Our Project:

All pledges have been shipped!
over 3 years ago – Tue, May 11, 2021 at 02:40:49 PM

Hello everyone! 

It looks like we've reached the end of the line for this Kickstarter. Thank you so much for being a part of this and helping us bring this collection to life. This Kickstarter was a huge step for us and it had definitely been a busy couple of month but we loved every moment of it!

All orders have been sent out as of today, May 10th! everyone who included tracking in their pledges have already been emailed last week. We're also extremely surprised with how fast most of the batch 1 packages have arrived! Thank you so much for tagging us in your instagram stories and posts! We absolutely loved seeing you all receive them safely! 

We are keeping track of the shipments on our end to ensure they're all delivered. Please also note that shipments may take up to 4-6 weeks for anyone who ordered outside of North America due to Covid and the carrier we use (Ascendia through Chitchats) has notified us of this timeframe. 

Lastly, we're finally opening our main shop tomorrow if you would like to check out our other products or would like to purchase additional items from this Kickstarter! We have limited stock but have split it between our Etsy and the new shop to be fair. 

Thank you all again for supporting and following this project!! 

- Avana & Aleia 

P.s. here's some nice product photos curtesy of our amazing photographer :)

Pins have finished production and Backerkit Add-ons/lock addresses
over 3 years ago – Fri, Apr 23, 2021 at 01:18:50 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Small Production Update!
over 3 years ago – Sat, Apr 10, 2021 at 11:23:20 AM

Happy Saturday everyone! 

We're happy to say we're more than halfway done production already and are hoping pins will arrive by the end of the month which would be ahead of our original schedule!

We received the washi tape a while ago and we are extremely pleased with how they turned out. We absolutely love them and the gold foil detailing really adds to the design ❤

All the stickers have arrived and while quality checking them one of the batch ended up being discolored slightly so we're having them remade which shouldn't affect our timeline in anyway. 

Lastly, here's a few photos from our pin manufacturer! About 7/13 pins are now complete while the remaining are in the mold phase. While we love and trust our manufacturer they're not the best at taking photos so please forgive the poor quality and lighting for now haha.

We will be collecting backerkit payments if you've made add on purchases once the pins are confirmed to be shipped to us, hopefully by the end of the month and then have packing and shipping following soon after. We'll have another update once they arrive to give anyone time to change/update their address before they get locked for shipping! 

Catch you all in the next update! ❤


Survey Update and Samples
over 3 years ago – Fri, Mar 12, 2021 at 01:35:56 AM

Hello everyone! 

Surveys are 91% complete and we managed to get a good idea of how many pins to order so those have started production a couple of days ago :) There is just 4 days left to complete your survey before they are all locked in, so if you haven't completed it yet, please do as soon as possible! After surveys have been locked you can still update your address at anytime before we start shipping out the rewards. 

If you haven't received a survey email for any reason please let us know ASAP!! Also, if you had pledged for the wrong tier and would like to change your pledge please let us know as well! We can definitely have it fixed and also have a corrected survey sent. As always, if you have any questions or issues please don't hesitate to contact us through email, or Kickstarter messages!

Now for some exciting news! 

We've ordered a few stickers to check quality before ordering the rest and they turned out great! The rest will be ordered shortly, but in the meantime here's a quick photo of them :) 

Lanyard samples have also come in and they look amazing!

Does anyone have a preference between having the patterns facing downwards towards the clip like in the photos above or facing the opposite from the clip like the one below? If you do have a preference let us know! otherwise the standard facing pattern shown above will be sent out. (We're planning on ordering a small amount of the non standard pattern along with our larger order)

That's all for now :) huge thank you to everyone who's filled out the survey so quickly already! It really helped a lot in expediting the production process! 

Survey details and Payment Issues
over 3 years ago – Tue, Mar 02, 2021 at 12:59:05 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.